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#60: Revolutionary Biology pt. 2: The Development and Evolution of Sasquatch

Writer: Arnold SchroderArnold Schroder

(03/10/2023) As an illustration of the extraordinary plasticity of the human species, we examine the story of Zana, whose genetics, described in a 2021 paper, establish her as a member of a modern human population. Zana, who was captured living wild in the Caucasus Mountains in the 19th century and held in captivity for forty years, was two meters tall, covered in hair, superhumanly strong, lacked speech, slept naked outside all winter, could crush bones with her teeth, swam in rivers during their full spring flood, and could outrun a horse. She was described by the many locals who were familiar with her as an Almasty, or Sasquatch. Building on the early biological descriptions of two species of human and the contemporary evidence on feral children, we postulate that our own developmentally delayed, self-domesticated form of humanity has—as is the case among other species for whom developmental change has been central to their evolution—a developmentally accelerated, wild form, induced by a lack of care in early development, and that reproducing populations of such individuals are what we know as Sasquatch.

Bibliography for episode 60:

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Hare, B. and Woods, V. (2020) Survival of the Friendliest: Understanding Our Origins and Rediscovering Our Common Humanity. Random House.

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Hrdy, S. B, (2006) Comes the child before man: How cooperative breeding and prolonged postweaning dependence shaped human potential. In: Hewlett, B. S. and Lamb, M. E., eds. Hunter-Gatherer Childhoods: Evolutionary, Developmental, and Cultural Perspectives. Aldine Transactions.

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Wrangham, R. W. (2009) Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human. Basic Books.

Wrangham, R. W. (2019). Hypotheses for the evolution of reduced reactive aggression in the context of human self-domestication. Frontiers in Psychology10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01914

Wrangham, R. W. (2021) Targeted conspiratorial killing, human self-domestication and the evolution of groupishness. Evolutionary Human Sciences 3, e26, DOI: 10.1017/ehs.2021.20


1 Comment

Mar 23, 2023

So delighted to be able to continue on, so I’m no longer at the end of your podcasts. I’m now going back to do them all again and about to re-listen to #3 now. The first time round I was wowed by all your ideas presented in a chatty way. This time around, I am appreciating how you sequence and synthesise all the concepts and ideas into a cohesive journey.

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